Year 7
Year 7 is one of the most important years of child’s life as they begin the academic journey into secondary education and the physical, social and emotional journey into adolescence. Building positive and inclusive relationships is a key focus of our Year 7 program to ensure that every student feels safe, secure and valued. Bullying and harassment are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at St Brigid’s College.
Every Year 7 student is assigned a Teacher Advisor, whose role is that of a learning mentor, adviser and advocate for their entire school life at St Brigid’s. Students meet with their Teacher Advisor every morning for Homeroom and for one to one, personal interviews to discuss their academic progress, celebrate achievements, establish goals and to work together to manage or overcome any problems that the student may be experiencing. This empowering program ensures that we personally know every student in our College and builds the important relationship between student, school and home.
Our Year 7 curriculum focuses on essential learning for success. Key literacy and numeracy skills are assessed during the enrollment process to create a learning profile for each student. Specialist teachers work with students individually, in small groups and class groups to develop and extend their capabilities across all curriculum areas.
We deliver a specialised Year 7 Literacy Program and the Math Pathways Program. Both of these learning models are demonstrating high student growth and success rates. Our class sizes are smaller, ensuring personalised attention in a safe environment in which students can learn. We have additional Literacy and Numeracy specialists on staff, dedicated to intensively nurturing and supporting students who need higher levels of intervention in these areas. We also offer Religious Education and Pastoral Care classes.
Our Year 7 curriculum provides a breadth of subjects for students to explore and enjoy. Core subjects are in accordance with the Victorian Curriculum, and key learning for the future includes digital literacy, social intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.

Students who excel are challenged to push their learning in the classroom with personalised extended learning opportunities. Additionally, they are encouraged to take up the many opportunities offered through our extra-curricular activities, which provides gifted and talented students the chance to shine in their chosen fields, and to gain valuable skills, knowledge and experiences in a range of competitive and non-competitive environments. Students who excel in sport can choose to participate in a vast range of sporting competitions across local, regional, state and national levels, and as the Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly ‘Sports School of the Year’ for multiple years, we know that we offer exceptional sporting and athletic opportunities.
Outside of the classroom, students are invited to participate in extra-curricular activities in social justice, sporting, academic, creative and performing arts, design and technologies, fundraising and leadership. Our students have won many awards, recognition and competitions across a range of these fields and we are proud, encourage and nurture our future generation of leaders, creators, problem solvers and passionate individuals.
For more information or to make an appointment to come into our College to see our learning programs in action, please contact us on (03) 5382 3545 or email